--- Written by Jordan Lin, www.vantagerei.com
There is hidden message from water.
Before, I used to think holy water, or water that had prayers of Buddhist monk would have some sort of power is a little bit out there and mysterious. But from the studies of a Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto, it totally proved such power exists. The way he figured out the messages in water is by the crystals water would form. If the water was taken from very clean sources like glacier water, it would form beautiful crystals. If the water is taken from polluted sources like tap water, or polluted river, it would form ugly crystals. Sounds logical, isn’t it? There are some pollutant inside the water that would somehow interfere with the forming of crystals so it’s quite reasonable. But then he brings the experiment farther. He takes the bottle of tap water and have a Buddhist monk do prayers on it and compare the difference, amazing results were found. The water before prayers would still have deformed and ugly crystals. But the water after the prayer is somehow purified, and forms very beautiful and complete crystals. Interesting isn’t it? There is more, I would list few of the findings below:
Music can have effect on water. If you let the water listen to classical music, it forms beautiful crystals.
Water can read too. If you write words like love, thank you, hope, gratitude, God, or Buddha on the bottle, it forms beautiful crystals. On the contrary, if you have words like hate, killing, dislike, it would create ugly crystals or no crystals at all.
The more pure, or clear the thoughts are, the better the effect. If it’s done in a group with pure and clear thought, it would have even better effect. The result happened immediately, and distance have less part on the effect.
Due the the copyright of the pictures, I cannot put it on my newsletter according to their website. So for those of you who is interested, here is the links to it.
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