Friday, November 14, 2008

The Key to Attracting Anything You Want in Life

I am reading a book called "The Key - The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want" by Joe Vitale who's also feature in "The Secret."

This book is about consciously, we may know what we want (ie. health,wealth, happiness) and we think we practice the law of attraction to achieve what we want but subconsciously, we may have old believes or old programmings that are actually asking the universe for other things or even things we don't want. When our conscious and subconscious mind are not congruent, we seem to hit blocks and unable to attract what we want in life.

In this book, Joe talks about several clearing methods to get rid of our stuck energy in ourselves so we can receive what we ask for in life. I summarized some of the clearing methods on a Squidoo Lens. Check it out here

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